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RUMOR: Could a new Rainbow Six Game be in the Works?

A survey has been making the rounds, asking for people’s opinions. The survey this time is asking questions about Rainbow Six Siege. Some of the questions point to possible new modes coming to R6 Siege; others point to the possibility of a whole new entry in the series being work shopped.

Many of the questions are about modes, “how do you feel about this mode”, or “did you play this limited time mode”, things like that. There are a couple that ask things like “which features do you enjoy most in shooter games?” Interestingly, some of the example answers include “solo” vs “co-op”, “deep/complex story” vs “simple story”, and “highly customizable” vs “pre-set characters”, and “difficult & challenging” vs “easy & playful”, with sliders between each pair.

The question that seems to be really catching interest start with a hypothetical:

For the following questions, imagine if a new game were created based on Rainbow Six Siege, but with a different direction (with new modes, maps, operators, enemies, and cosmetic content).

This is more than intriguing, as it reframes the entire survey. How important is character background and story? How much does a new solo campaign, new PvE content, an open world appeal to me? The idea of a new Rainbow Six game isn’t a shocking one. Rainbow Six Siege has been around for nearly 4 years (released Dec 1, 2015), and the multiplayer focus didn’t appeal to a lot of gamers. Obviously the game has been doing well (Year 4 is well underway), but some fans, myself included, want something else. A new Rainbow Six with a single player campaign could be just what the doctor ordered.

Whatever the case, this is all just RUMOR AND SPECULATION at the moment. Still, a man can dream, right?

State of Play Announced for May 9!

State of Play Announced for May 9!

Castlevania Anniversary Collection Filled Out

Castlevania Anniversary Collection Filled Out