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I Am Setsuna Gets Western Release Date

I Am Setsuna, the first RPG to come from Square Enix's new Japanese RPG studio -- the aptly named Tokyo RPG Factory -- has been given a release Date of July 19 on PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam.

Square Enix's official story description follows (via GameSpot):

"I Am Setsuna tells the sorrowful story of Setsuna, a young woman of incredible inner strength, and the sacrifice she must undertake to the save the people of her land. Players will be immersed in an emotional and unforgettable story of true bravery as Setsuna leaves her hometown with her bodyguards on a journey to the farthest land."

I Am Setsuna was first announced with the working title Project Setsuna at E3 2015. As Tokyo RPG Factory's first game, they took a lot of inspiration from classics like Chrono Trigger. RPG Factory's goal is to revive the golden years of RPG's. I Am Setsuna was released in February in Japan and Square Enix has said that they want to see how it performs before turning it into a series. 

Thus far, I am Setsuna is looking pretty good. PlayStation Access has a gameplay video, roughly 11 minutes, that shows off the battle system well. If you were a fan of the original Chrono Trigger, I think you'll find this an enjoyable experience. 

Square Enix creating their own RPG development studio was a brilliant idea. Square and Enix (before they merged into Square Enix) were the pioneers in Role-Playing Games back in their day and it'll be good for them to get back to those roots. 

Exist Archive Coming to North America this year

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